_Egyptian Musuem_
When Mariette pasha arrived to egypt during 1857 for buying some Coptic manuscripts but he became fond of the Ancient Egyptianmonuments and worked in the field of excavations in places in egypt the first group was collected from the egyptian articrafts by the egyptian government in asmall building in Azbakiah garden in Cairo in 1858 were transferred into abuilding within the Citadel of salah el-Din. Mariette pasha established the first Museum at Boulaq . It was asmall Museum consisting of four rooms but unfortunately was destroyed and the contents were stolen and lost becauseof the Nile flood in 1878 . Therefore , they transferred these remains object to the Giza palace of Ismail paha and consudered to be the second museum until Matiette pasha established the third museum (Egyptian Museum) at el-tahrir square in 1897 and opened 1902 during the reign of khideve Abbas Helmi . Egyptian Museum has over 120000 pieces of all different area and times pharonic periods and take arectangle in the form in the middle of the south side is the main entrance door it consist of two floors
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